Particle size and shape analysis using microscope.
- To analyse and interpret the shape of particles with five different samples.
- To observe and compare the different size of particles for each sample.
- To analyse and interpret the shape of particles with five different samples. - See more at: http://pharmatechukm.blogspot.com/2013/12/report-on-particles-size-and-shape.html#sthash.jeSbMj1O.dpuf
analyse and interpret the shape of
particles with five different samples. - See more at:
analyse and interpret the shape of
particles with five different samples. - See more at:
INTRODUCTION :The dimensions of the particulate solids are important in achieving optimum production of efficacious medicines. When drug is synthesized and formulated, the particle size of drug and other powder is determined and this influences the subsequent physical performance of the medicine and the pharmacological of the drug.
Powder with different particle size have different flow and packaging properties, which alter the volumes of powder during each encapsulation or tablet compression event. The particles which are having small dimensions will tend to increase the rate of solution.
In order to obtain equivalent diameters with which to analyse and interpret the particle size of powder , it is necessary to carry out a size analysis using different methods. One of the methods for particle analysis is using microscope.
Electron microscope,five different samples of sand particles.( 850,500,355,150 and various sizes) and Powders (MCC and lactose).
A microscope was used to analyse 5 different types of sands and powders (MCC and Lactose) with particular emphasis on the size and shape of the particles. The particles observed was sketched microscopically and the general shape for the particular material was determined. The magnification used in sketching the particle was noted.
Particles are being observed by using microscope.
150 mic (4x)
355 mic (4x)
500 mic (4x)
850 mic (4x)
Various Sizes (4x)
Lactose (4x)

MCC (4x)
- Describe the variety of statistical method used to measure diameter of particles.
- The particles that consists of spheres or equivalent spheres of same diameter is to be monosized but most powder contain particles that have different diameters. The size of distribution can be broken down into different size ranges as it can be presented in the form of a histogram and cumulative frequency form. The histogram method will expose to show the distribution of size particles in three types which are normal distribution , positively skewed distribution and bimodal distribution. The cumulative frequency is usually used for undersize and oversize.
- The mode and median diameters can be obtained for incomplete particle size distribution while mean can only be determined from complete size distribution and upper and lower limit is known.
2. What is the best method should be used in this experiment?
- The best method should be used is histogram method. Laser diffraction is the best statistical method to determine particle size distribution of lactose and MCC.
The particle size and shape of sand particles and powders such as MCC and lactose were analysed and we found out that each of the particles have different and irregular shape which makes it difficult to be used directly in pharmaceutical industry. Therefore , particle size reduction method is needed in order to ensure all the particle are in the same size and shape. This will ensure that granulation plays a vital role in making of drugs and for a better absorption in the human body.
There were several precaution steps taken in this experiment such as the sand granules were carefully handled so that it will not spread all over the table and to ensure cleaniness of work place.
Besides that, gloves and goggles were weared for the safety of our eyes and hands.
The shape and size of different samples were analysed and we can conclude that all particles have different and irregular shape and sizes.
There were several precaution steps taken in this experiment such as the sand granules were carefully handled so that it will not spread all over the table and to ensure cleaniness of work place.
Besides that, gloves and goggles were weared for the safety of our eyes and hands.
The shape and size of different samples were analysed and we can conclude that all particles have different and irregular shape and sizes.
- Michael E. Aulton, 2007, Aulton's Pharmaceutics The Design and Manufacture of Medicines, Third Edition, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier.
- Patrick J Sinko ,PhD, RPh, Martin's Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6th Edition, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
dimensions of particulate solids are
important in achieving optimum production of efficacious medicines. When
is synthesized and formulated, the particle size of drug and other
powder is
determined and this influences the subsequent physical performance of
medicine and the pharmacological of the drug. - See more at:
dimensions of particulate solids are
important in achieving optimum production of efficacious medicines. When
is synthesized and formulated, the particle size of drug and other
powder is
determined and this influences the subsequent physical performance of
medicine and the pharmacological of the drug. - See more at: